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Wong Tak (YT): 師兄你好,我同我女朋友拍咗兩年幾拖,依家散咗;分手果時話我做人處事,態度唔好,雖然佢話我有改過但係改得唔好。
—> Who is approving who here? Who is the authority here? Who is accepting who here? If you can answer these, you know who CONTROLS how to relationship go and the WEAK PARTY got dumped.
—> Well, he may have fvcked her even when you two are in r/p. You didn’t say a word from Day 1 allowing another guy to spend private time with your girlfriend, that paves way for him to fvck her.
—> Of course she lied and that is NOT the first time. I bet she has spreading these bullshit lies on you those 2 years and you never detected shit.
—> Why the fvck do you still LIKE her when she probably has cheated? She was with him after 1 month ONLY BECAUSE she doesn’t want others to shame her as a slut.
So not only you shouldn’t get her back, BUT ALSO you couldn’t. Your mistakes didn’t happen at the end of r/p, it happened DURING your relationship and you need to reflect the MOMENTS where possibly things went wrong.
Do your homework, go find out 10 little/big incidents how you behaved like a weak Beta who allows her to disrespect you, and you will know WHAT to do in future relationships and move on.
Ethan C: 我果刻明白李小龍,特朗普果d,佢地既都係囂同串,點知結果就成功左,成為左名人。
#1 The reason why super confident/arrogant people like Bruce Lee, Donald Trump, Michael Jackson SUCCEED is NOT just because of their polarizing character, it’s their overwhelming self-belief that they can get shit done, AND they put in the HARD WORK & HOURS to do what it takes to get the results.
In other words, they back up their Big Mouth with massive actions & results!
When they’ve created results, that boost their confidence more and they talk BIG again and play a BIGGER GAME. That’s an upward spiral to legendary status.
So if you want to talk a big game, make sure you put in the HARD WORK & TRAINING, TAKE ACTION TO GET RESULTS, so you back up what you say.
#2 You’re right 心地善良 does NOT guarantee you will succeed, and being aEVIL bad guy does NOT mean you will 有報應。
Because “做好人” and “做強人” are DIFFERENT attributes.
You must to be STRONG, SKILLFUL, COMPETENT if you want to be successful. And you can be a tough successful badass whether you do it in a ethical/moral 好人方式 or evil bad 壞人方式.
Just like Thanos, he is an evil bad guy, but no one doubts his ability to get shit done. So he is a STRONG capable motherfvcker.
Likewise, Ironman is a smart, strong, competent guy who gets shit done. But his heart is to help humanity, not to wipe out half of them.
Of course I recommend US to be a GOOD person. But being 好人 does NOT give you an excuse to stay WEAK.
Your goal is to be not just a 好人 BUT also a strong, competent, skillful LEADER so that you can combat the EVIL but tough people like Hitler in the world. That’s the REAL WAY to help the world to be a better place.
EVIL does not care if you’re good or kind. If you are weak, you are eliminated.
So you have a DUTY to yourself to grow strong, to stay tough and focused on what matters, and to be POWERFUL & INFLUENTIAL so that evil doesn’t gulf the entire world that’s filled with WEAK people.
Don’t be a good-hearted sheep waiting to be slaughtered, be the strong sheepdog to protect the sheep from the wolves.