When you become good with women, one of the common shit tests you will hear is that she says you are a player/ 你溝成日溝女架?
The sad thing is that many guys don’t know how to respond to this Q properly and lose the chance to get with the girl. So today, let’s solve this problem once and for all. Firstly, we need to understand WHY women say this do you.
#1 There are 2 reasons why women accuses you as a player:
– She believes that you a lot of women like you, they want to chase you and you have a lot of options. => Which means this girl actually find you charming and attractive.
– She feels insecure about herself because she is scared that you don’t actually like her, she is afraid that you just charm and flirt with every woman you can, and she isn’t special at all.
#2 Now that you understand the psychology behind, how do we respond? Well, it’s easy because you are viewing that as a compliment.
So you can first say “哈哈,多謝你覺得我咁有魅力喎。”
Then, you should address her insecurity and increase her self-confidence “其實你唔駛咁睇小自己啊,好似你咁『聰明/上進/有腦/玩得/性感/有heart』嘅女仔,呢個年代都好珍貴嘅…”
#3 After you have addressed these two issues, you can add a third component if you want depending on her response.
E.g. If she keeps probing you as a player, you can say “哈哈 係呀,我仲未搵到一個合適嘅女仔,你呢?點解你要咁性感又要單身,你唔好玩弄我嘅感情啦好無?:p”
If you respond in such a playful sexy way, I guarantee you her attraction level is going to 10X and she will desire you even more.
At the end of the day, as long as you genuinely like her apart from she being pretty, as long as you are trying to know the REAL her and you appreciate that,
everything in seduction will become more natural and easy when you are not just 為咗溝女而溝女!