[人生問題] 唔用Whatsapp都溝到女?如何每日都有動力?


嗨 man神  的確呢排我係有啲忙,無係咁睇email,細佬我對你唔住。


















另外我有多個問題,你之前講過點樣turn好自己個default setting去到出面嘅精英咁。


但係有時我只係可以keep到一陣,之後又唔記得咗要點做/又會被地方影響咗,有咩方法可能keep it up,可以提住自己每分每刻都要100%精精神神. 而唔想只係做三秒鐘男人。




最後附上我嘅證據去show俾你睇我唔係一個只係stay係垃圾confort zone嘅pussy,而係有決心向上流嘅廿歲精英 lol。 -Z



#1 Well done, you are doing what MANY guys aren’t doing.


You are ACTIVELY taking notes to consolidate what you learn from MTFU free videos. Keep that up!


#2 Good, you are expanding your PRESENCE, which is CRUCIAL whether to attract girls or keep a relationship passionate!


#3 As regards Whatsapp, you DON”T necessarily need to keep the conversation going.



I constantly STOP whatsapping girls because I AM A BUSY GUY who is dominating his path!


If you want her to keep investing in you passively, showcase your lifestyle via social media and let her SEE it. She will mentally invest in you and keep you in mind.


And when the timing comes, whatapp her to INVITE her to do some FUN SOCIAL stuff, and you DO IT regardless of whether she is coming to join you!


#4 How to keep up your positive, action-taking, handsome, energetic default setting?


-> Motivation is like a shower, you gotta do it every fucking single day.


I prime myself everyday multiple times: I plan my days the night before,


I get into a gratitude state every morning,


I do some kind of physical work daily,


I read out affirmations with passion,


I remind myself with my vision and weekly goals daily,


I listen to high energy daily,


and I keep taking imperfect action daily!


Don’t just be motivated today and then slack tomorrow.


Because most of our environments/people SUCK and are conditioning us to live in scarcity /poverty /reaction-seeking state.


You must stand guard of your body and mind.


Cut off the negative news and rubbish media feeds.


Feed your mind with nutritious stuff and PROTECT IT.


Being a sucker requires no effort, it’s society’s default.


Being a winner requires vigilance, requires protection, requires you to set up a SYSTEM to protect your time, energy and assets.


Now it’s your time to pick a path!