Q: Hi! man神 今日想問關於人生QandA。
小弟睇左man啲片一段時間,獲益良多,知道要進步就要踏出first step同埋要take action。所以我就喺大學宿舍申請做導師(同時我自己都係大學學生),喺黎緊9月開始工作。
呢份職位主要目的係帶動新住hall嘅同學,令佢地多啲參與同投入hall既活動,可以喺hall認識更多朋友,最後有個難忘既hall life。
而我作為宿舍導師,就要結合一班各自唔認識既同學(情況有啲似orientation camp既組爸媽)。
正因為呢個任務咁有意義,所有我就申請左呢個post,希望可以幫人add value。不過實際上嘅我,都未有信心去勝任呢個post, 所以以下有幾條問題想問:
1 因為我冇乜信心,一直擔心黎緊會做得唔好,覺得自己能力未夠。所以想知可以點消除心中恐懼,去做一件自己冇信心勝任嘅任務?
===> Every NEW task makes you nervous and doubt yourself.
But you just DO IT despite of fear because then you’ll realize you didn’t die at all.
2 我本身係個內向既人,有時同唔識嘅人傾計,會有唔知有咩話題既尷尬情況出現。所以想問可以點對住一大班人進行fun同埋有內容既對話,防止尷尬嘅moment出現?同埋點自然地結合呢班各自唔認識既同學?
===> Don’t take about religion or politics
===> Best is Not to just talk, but to engage them with fun GROUP activities.
===> Alos, deadair only means TENSION is increasing, use it as a tool for great vibes/atmosphere.
3 點建立召喚力去帶領呢班同學去投入hall life?
===> Lead by example. Be social yourself first and invite people to join you, and show people that they can have a great fun life if they follow what you do.
===> Also understand that NOT everyone will want to have a fun social life in halls.
===> Figure out the MOTIVATION of why they join hall life, have a 1-2-1 chat to see what they NEED or want.
4 另外,如果比宿舍學生開玩笑,而踏到底線時,應該點作出回應?
===> Tell them in PRIVATE that certain things are NOT COOL.
Don’t confront them in public to help “save their face”.
Video answer is posted here: